Friday, January 9, 2009

Peace Out Tray Blackmon

so Tray Blackmon is leaving Auburn for the CFL (yeah?! i know.) i don't even have the desire or energy to write a eulogy for his Auburn career which most fans will call a missed opportunity by a very talented player. i however have some different thoughts. regardless he's to Canada for free health care and a pay check. wide receiver Chris Slaughter is also leaving the team. again, who cares? the JCCW has some more thoughtful things to say about losing Blackmon (but that's his thing. he does thoughtful and well written. i do dumb and angry).

honestly i really could care less. when i hear his name the word OVERRATED just lingers in my brain. good luck to you in Canada dude. i'm pretty sure you can smoke weed in the you've got that going for you.

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