so with the draft this weekend and with the Falcons taking the lily-white Matt Ryan, Mike Vick has been on my mind a lot. much has been discussed about Ryan being a character guy and a leader and all the racial undertones implied in that, especially when comparing him to Mike Vick. and words like winner get thrown around a lot too. well that's where i like to stop people and say, Mike Vick was a fucking winner. he wasn't the smartest guy in the world, not the most mature, and definitely not a friend to dogs, but he won more games during his tenure as the Falcons QB than anyone else who ever had that job and i can guarantee Ryan will never come close to achieving the same level of success on the field as Vick did. Vick did something that can never be matched. he made Atlanta matter in the NFL.
and this is why he's gonna be a starting QB again some day. and right now i am gonna go ahead and tell you that the team he will be leading on the field again whenever he's aloud back into the league will be the Dallas Cowboys, who will have grown tired of losing playoff games with Tony Romo and will not bat an eye at Vick's past. i mean they took Tank Johnson and Pac Man Jones, why not take Vick as well. all Jerry Jones wants to do is win, and 3 more seasons of 1st round losses with Tony will make Mike Vick to tempting to pass up.
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