Friday, January 2, 2009

Everyone Hates Brett

lost in the shuffle of Bowlmania and general holiday drunkeness is how much i am enjoying the shit talking coming outta New Jersey/New York about John Madden's favorite son, Brett Lorenzo Favre.

it's always fun to see a royal douchebag like Favre get exposed for being the true dickhead he is by teammates and anonymous sources (more teammmates) after the Jets late season collapse that got their coach fired and sent Bretty back to Gulfport, Mississippi with a serious case of Karma whipping his country bumpkin ass. i have always thought that Favre was a selfish, overrated, douchebag and it makes me smile to see his New York experiment blow up in his fucking face like this. i'm sure the people of Wisconsin are being kept a little warmer this cold winter knowing that Brett is getting what he deserves. it would be awesome if the Jets just did us a favor and ended the whole "will he/won't he?" retire bit and tell Favre to fuck off. but you and i both know that's not gonna happen. also watching all the Favre apologists rush to Brett's defense on ESPN and the like is enough to make me shoot the TV, Elvis Style.

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